Office Pantry - from the top

We used to get hungry.

Especially at work.

Like hangry hungry.

If you ask around, we weren’t fun to be around.

Not one little bit.

So we founded Office Pantry in 2014 and haven’t looked back since.

At Office Pantry we source the most fantastic food in Britain. We do this because we love good food, and we only want to fuel our hungry customers with the very best.

 The foods we deliver pass three simple tests:

 1)    Local produce. The foods must take ingredients from local sources. We firmly believe in simple food being the best fuel for our bodies.

2)    Grandmother approved. We use the best ingredients test in the world, we run everything past our grandmothers. They always knew the best places to get wholesome foods when we were children, and nothing has changed now we are adults.

3)    Taste. The foods have to taste bloody good.

( If you know of an absolutely incredible food producer in your area, please let us know by contacting us. )

Thanks so much for reading; your interest in us is awesome. Now please do me a solid by clicking the heart button below. Thanks!

EDIT: Let’s up the ante with a challenge: tell us your favourite snack below and if you tell us something we don’t know about, we’ll send you a reward.