
Awesome Likehacks To Improve Your Life

Awesome Likehacks To Improve Your Life

We’re big fans of lifehacks here in the Office Pantry office. They can make your life immeasurably better.

Here are our top 8 lifehacks

1.          Arrive at meetings bearing little gifts – it has a fantastic ROI. We learnt this by arriving at offices with food samples, and despite this being our business people were delightfully surprised and their reactions were priceless. It’s now mandatory for us to make sure we bring along a little food treat to every meeting we attend. It’s de-rigueur in Japan for a reason. 

How you arrive and leave an office says a lot about you.

How you arrive and leave an office says a lot about you.

How can you pick out a good person? How someone enters and leaves the office can tell you a lot. Here’s what you need to look out for.

It’s a Tuesday morning, 9:30 am, and I’m about to sit down with a serviced office company. I’m a bit early for my 11 am meeting due to a timings mix up, very early in fact, so I sit in the reception area and wait until 10:50 to inform them that that I have arrived. 10 minutes early is politely prompt. 90 minutes is a tad too overly keen.

I love these moments. I spend this hour and half taking part in some undercover espionage...

How to Give a Performance Review: In 3 Simple Steps

How to Give a Performance Review: In 3 Simple Steps

It is the season, HR have messaged you about the impending performance review deadline and are enquiring as to why you haven’t submitted yet.

Now you know the theory that giving a performance review is really important. It is an opportunity to align people with company values, iron out bad habits, set priorities and clarify their job output accountability. Running good performance reviews not only helps your team with all of those, but it also enhances your leadership position and skills.

Here is our 3 step guide to make sure that happens.