
Why office fruit deliveries are vital for your work place in 2015

Why office fruit deliveries are vital for your work place in 2015

Office fruit box deliveries are perfect for the work place.

A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy? - Albert Einstein

We all know the importance of retaining and attracting key talent to your company. Not only that, but as 90% of your company’s operating costs comes directly from staff, it is vital to optimise their efficiency wherever possible.

And if you can do it by kicking out the vending machine and reducing your carbon dioxide footprint then even better.

Here are the key things to remember:

The 50 metre policy for feeding the 55,000

The 50 metre policy for feeding the 55,000

Google has a food policy. A 50 metre policy. They plan their office designs so that no employee is ever more than 150 metres from a food station.

The tech giant applies this to all of the major offices their 55,000 staff work from. 50 metres, or roughly 150 feet, is about the same distance as half of a football pitch. That’s insane. How on earth do they do, and how do they get them to eat healthy foods?

Do you value your staff at their true worth?

Do you value your staff at their true worth?

Do you value your staff at their true worth?

Research from Gallup found that 83% of UK companies have disengaged staff. This leaves the remaining 17% doing exceedingly well because engaged staffs have a 240% comparative boost in performance-related business outcomes. Which company are you?

The Path To Great Decision-Making

The Path To Great Decision-Making

Decision-making is tough and yet every day we’re all at it. Whether you took the nanosecond choosing to click this article, or spend 3 days mulling an important choice, your decision-making impacts both your working and personal life on a daily basis.

To make a good decision, we’re often told that a clear head helps clarify your thinking. However it has recently been found that there’s a far more direct route to great decision-making. Through our stomachs…